Monday, June 6, 2022

May 2022, Double Wedding Ring repair/ Double 9 Patch, crib size

My friend at quilt guild had this double wedding ring quilt she said needed some repair.  I said I'd look at it, expecting it to be shredded.  Amazingly, the fabric was in pretty good shape.  Some of the seams had popped open and the batting was peeking out.  I blind stitched all that I could find closed.  The main problem was that the quilt had been tied and the ties were rubbed off, or worn away.  I spent most of my sewing time for 3 weeks retying the quilt.  I added ties to the white centers that had not been tied and the batting was bunching and shifting.  It is a huge quilt.

This quilt I made from my boxes of 1 1/2" squares.  I  used mainly blue/white and some yellow, for a boys quilt.  It will go to the charity "Project Linus" which gives quilts to sick children.  The backing was made specifically for Project Linus.  If you look closely, you will see Snoopy in uniform.  Cute!