Monday, May 30, 2016
Full Size, finishing up the quilt for Georgia, 2016
My friend, Georgia, had this quilt pieced by her mother. She asked me to help her finish it. I just topstitched the edge to hold it together and added borders. I used the extra fabric she had to piece together a backing, there wasn't enough of one fabric for the whole back, but I enjoy pieced backing, so it worked.
Throw Size, for Kids in Crisis, 2016
In my newest quilt magazine there's an article about foster kids who receive quilts. One woman got one and now years later she remembers how it helped her at a time when she felt alone and abandoned. She still uses the quilt. That helps me remember why we, in the quilt guild make quilts for KIC. The top one is the "plus" quilt, the second picture is the back of the first one. The bottom quilt I made a long time ago, and just put the back on. I was thinking I didn't like the quilt, but it actually looks quite pretty.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Large Throw, 2016, Comfy TV Watching "Hug Me" quilt
I found some big pieces of this very heavy material, that almost feels and looks like flannel on one side, the other is just woven plaid. I was thinking this is way too heavy for quilting and was tempted to throw it away. Instead I cut it into large pieces, put them together randomly. I was going to leave it, but decided to just tack some beautiful, blue flannel on the back. I had enough to make two big quilts that are great for keeping you warm in front of the TV, or reading. I had to serge around each piece because the material tended to unravel, then I top stitched at each seam. Lot of sewing and lots of thread, but these quilts will keep Vere and Andrew very cozy for years.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Full Size, 2016 Half Square Triangles in Neutral
Over the years I've collected a lot of neutrals and thought a whole quilt with them would be fun. Also, I love making half square triangles, so this quilt was inevitable. I had Lou quilt it with her long arm machine. Notice in the very middle of the top picture is the mistake in this quilt, a whole row with the dark side of the square facing the wrong way. I didn't even notice it until I posted the picture. Oh Well, humans are not meant to be perfect. I added the three borders, light, medium and dark because it wasn't quit big enough. I really love this quilt.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Full Size, President's Block, 2009
I belong to a quilt guild here in Moab and everyone has the chance, or honor to act as president for the year. It really is not too hard of a job and I did it in 2008. At the end of the year, everyone makes a block, all in secret, on a theme suggested by someone. So everyone made a block for me out of retro 30's fabric. Good choice. I really love this quilt. I made a few blocks myself so I could have a larger quilt, and had it quilted by the Lou, on her long arm quilting machine.
Throw Size, from Baby Clothes, for NJ friend 2016
This quilt was made from baby clothes sent to me from a friend in NJ. She had two children, a boy and a girl. She sent me baby clothes from both. I finished the one for the boy awhile ago. This week I finished the one for the girl. See the little ruffled collar I saved in the middle along with a couple little pockets and the pink with a tie. There were a couple of the clothes she sent me I couldn't bear to cut up, they were just too cute.
Full Size, "I Spy a Clamshell" 2008ish
This quilt has quite a history. I saw it, and the technique to make and thought "I can do that easy". I put a quilt all together, laid it out and it was crazy off kilter, Not the least bit straight. I pulled it all apart! couldn't leave it like that. Then I put it back together, both times all by hand. This time I made sure, as much as possible to keep the lines straight. Each piece was a 3" x 3 1/2" rectangle, rounded off on one end and gathered, then appliqued into the row. I named it "I Spy, because most of the clamshells were fussy cut around a picture, see the one of a Kachina doll. I hand quilted it, and I believe there is a big section that I haven't finished. Don't know if I ever will. 
Full Size, Colorful Butterflies, 2009 ish
We went to an estate sale that advertised quilting supplies. I found several parts to these butterflies, some sewn together. I worked a long time, putting more block together and appliqued them to backings, then made the flowers and quilted around each one. I'm not totally sure I like this quilt, it was a big job, and it's done!
Quilts Of Valor, Throw Size, 2016
I finished this quilt barely in time to go up to the quilt show in SLC where they have a bin where you can put your offerings for a veteran. It was a fun quilt, and a hard one too. Three of the blocks were already done by someone else, the one in the middle and two others. Someone made them, then, I guess gave up. Anyway, I figured out how to make the block, made more and put them together. The quilting was kind of hard, and not the most perfect. But it's done!!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Baby Quilt, Baseballs, 2016
This quilt was so much work, all those baseballs to sew on!! Well, they were printed on, on this piece of flannel. The back and front are the same, I just had to machine quilt it and put on the binding. Cute for a baby boy.
Baby Quilts, 2016
I made up several of this size quilt for the Kids in Crisis and also for newborns at church. Whew, you'd think my flannels would be gone by now, but i still have a few pieces left. They are fun and easy to sew up and they are so bright and warm.
Throw Size, Sonya's 2015
Sonya had started this quilt for her friend in California. She needed it to be a lot bigger but hadn't gotten very far, so she sent it to me. I cut up the fabric she sent me and added the pieces. It really is beautiful material. I sent the top back to her, she'd better get busy and finish it.
Throw Size, from bright flannel squares, 2015
I had these heavy flannel squares that I wasn't sure what to do with. They went together well for this bright winter "hug me" quilt for a friend in NJ.
Throw Size, from Baby Clothes, 2015
A friend in NJ mentioned she would like quilts made from her two children's baby clothes, using the technique of a t-shirt quilt. That is, ironing stabilizer to the back of stretchy material. The pieces, of course, could not be large like a regular t-shirt quilt. I struggled to decide how to do this, and realized, the pieces couldn't be anything but small. I cut the pieces to a certain width and as long as the piece could be, then sewed them into strips, and sewed the strips together. I put in a couple of the logos, but left out the Scooby Doo and Sesame figures. I thought maybe a teenager would prefer to not have them. Am now working on the one for the girl to be posted later.
Three Crib Size Quilts, 2015
Tna's Mom in Law makes quilts for her charity in Denver, I thought, I can do that. I got out all my flannel bits of fabric and made three crib size quilts, one tended toward pink, one toward blue and one of green. Whew, a lot of sewing of little bits.
Full Size, Turning Twenty, 2011
My friend, Soo, was getting married, and - quick - I needed a quilt. This pattern is from the book "Turning Twenty" of quilts made from 20 fat quarters. It's all about the beautiful fabric instead of pattern. Loved the material in this quilt.
Baby Quilt for Jane, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2016
Baby Quilts, Girl and Boy, 2011
My friend, Sandra, asked me if I could make quilts for twins someone in her family was expecting. So I made up the favorite pattern in the blue and pink. It was fun.
Throw Size, for Son of a Friend 2011
My friend's son got married, and as usual, I was looking for someone to make a quilt for. I suggested bright fabrics and she suggested more neutrals. I started with one pattern that did not work as I expected, so it worked up into this. It got a lot of oohs and ahs at the guild, so I think it turned out well.
Throw Size, Two Quilts for Special People, 2010
This first quilt was for Vere's brother DeVern who died suddenly, in his sleep. It is from new T-shirts from the company where he worked. I cut off the logos, ironed on the stabilizer and sewed them together.
My friend Sandra had a great friend who died suddenly. I suggested I could make her a snuggle quilt from his t-shirts. She said he never wore t-shirts, but he had lots of flannel shirts that would make a good quilt. This is the result. I used the best material of a whole lot of shirts. 
2 Quilts for Kids in Crisis material from Kits Made Up from Laura
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Small Wall Hanging, Guild Challenge Using Flowers, 2010
The challenge this year for the quilt show at the Moab Museum was anything with flowers. Someone could have just taken a pretty piece of flowered fabric and quilted it if they wanted. I have this wonderful picture of Mimi sitting in her mother's garden. I pieced greens and flowered pieces of fabric around her in the garden, painted the picture of Mimi sitting there, and pieced the white picket fence from their back yard. The big green leaves were supposed to represent zucchini plants. Mimi had said, "I want to stay in Mama's Garden" So cute.
Wall Hanging, or Throw Size, "SpiderMan, Christmas 2010
Parker, Val's son, was into Spider-Man this year, thus his on air name "Parker". I was just going to find fabric and make him a quilt, but found this panel. I had tons of fabric to match to make 2 1/2 inch squares for the border. That's Mimi posing next to it on Christmas.
Crib Size, for Kids in Crisis, "Stacked Coins" 2010
I have seen several quilts made like this, just rectangles of fabric between strips of another fabric. I didn't like it as well when it was made, but it was worth a try, made of flannel, nice and soft for a small child.
Full Size, for Mathew and Heather, 2009
I had seen this pattern in a magazine and wanted to try it. This was for Darleen's son and new wife. This is just the center panel, it is surrounded with squares of similar fabrics.
Full Size, Fish Panel, 2011
We went on a little road trip and while we were in this town in Colorado, I asked Vere to let me walk through this fabric store I had heard about. He came up to me and said he'd found some fabric he liked and would I like to make him a quilt from it. This is it, a panel in the center of the three fish, and the complimentary material around it. Where some of the material was cut, it sliced right through a fish, so for the inner and outer borders, I appliqued the cut off part onto the border. Can't have a cut fish bleeding all over the quilt!!!
Two Wall Hangings, Word Play Challenge at guild, 2010
Again, the challenge for the quilt guild for display at the Moab Museum. The idea was to interpret a common phrase or simple word, then people were asked to figure out what that phrase or word was. It is amazing the possibilities. The top one is "Picture Purrfect", A picture with a cat silhouette looking out. I had seen this technique in a magazine, sew the horizontal strips together, then slice it into strips vertically, shift, and sew back together. So, it's just a landscape seen from a picture window. The cat is on the window sill looking out.
The second one I thought was very clever of me, but I guess not too many people voted for it. I still like it. The phrase is "Fan Club" The block I made is the fan block, three of them laid out like the club card in a deck of cards. It's hand quilted.
The second one I thought was very clever of me, but I guess not too many people voted for it. I still like it. The phrase is "Fan Club" The block I made is the fan block, three of them laid out like the club card in a deck of cards. It's hand quilted.
Queen Size, for Lindsey, 2009
I found this pattern in a McCall Magazine. I don't know why, it just struck me as the one to do for this girl we knew from Maplewood who was getting married. We went to the reception in SLC and her step-mom said she'd like Jewel Tones for her colors. I've got a lot of those. I tried to quilt it, but made a mess. Had to unsew it and then had Tommye in town here quilt it on her long arm machine.
Baby Quilt/Wall Hanging, 2009 ish
I made two quilts like this. The top one was for Terryl's daughter, and the second one went for the guild auction. It's just strips of fabric with a little rick/rack or lace between and the figure in applique on top. Guess what it is? It's the Princess and the Pea, She's lying on 20 "mattresses". There's a green button sewn near the bottom.
Two Small Quilts made by My Mom
These two quilts were made by my mom and I got them from Carlene. They are both about Throw Sized, made from scraps. The second one looks like it was hand pieced from very slippery material.
Second Afgan from Jill
I meant to put both afgans on the same post. Oh Well. This one is really beautiful, another one mostly to look at, not to mess up by using. It is also very big, huge in fact. Valerie has it in her house.
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